
Outfit: A Summer Garden Party

By Unknown - 16:16:00

Hey guys!

I'm sorry for not uploading last week, but Karlijn and I were both on vacation and didn't have WiFi. I'm back home now so I can finally upload this look! Oh and I got into Psychology at Leiden University, I'm so excited!!
A few weeks ago I had a little garden party at a friend's house. My other friend had brought her camera and made some pictures of my outfit. I think they turned out pretty good! Read more to check out my outfit!

The weather had been amazing that day but because we would stay until late, I decided to put on my favourite jeans, my black Topshop Joni jeans. I thought it would look great with this soft pink crop top, also from Topshop. To finish off my 'Topshop look' I wore my Topshop hat. For shoes I went for these black beauties from New Look which I bought last year. I love them so much, but after wearing these I always have blisters. :(

Jeans: Topshop (€50)
Top: Topshop (€8)
Hat: Topshop (€30)
Shoes: New Look (€20)
Necklace: Primark (€2,50)

So, what do you think of this look? 
Thanks a lot to my friend Annemarie for making these pictures! <3 

x Sherilynn

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4 reacties

  1. Beauty! Die hoed staat je zo geweldig! :)

  2. Aw dankje!! <3 Ben echt heel blij met de foto's! xxx

  3. Super mooie fotos en echt een leuk topje en hoed zeg! :D
