
Destination #3: Sziget festival

By Unknown - 13:53:00

Hey everyone!
Here is my final post about my trip this summer.
On the last day of my trip in Budapest I visited the island of freedom: Sziget! 
Read more for my rapport about this festival.... 

On the picture above you can see the people going crazy for Major Lazer. The artists I saw were: Major Lazer, Kings of Leon, Jett Rebel, Splendid, Hollywood Undead, Alesso and some other dj's. All on different stages so that was cool. There were so many people! Sziget is literally held on a island in the river the Donau in Budapest. You can reach when you cross a bridge. When you enter the festival the flags and colorful decoration already comes at you. 

So when you arrive at the festival you will get a passport. There is a map inside, a schedule and some other stuff. It's cute and very handy at the same time. Some stages are a 30 minute walk from each other so you will need it. I was there for only one day so I did not get the chance to see and do everything there is. You can buy a seven day pass or a one day ticket. You might think that seven days are too long.. I thought it would be, but it isn't! 

For example you have area's for chilling, They made special couches, chairs and hammocks to relax in. There is a art area where you can make cool things yourself like bags, clothes, instruments, paintings and a lot more. There was also stand from H&M where you could pimp your shoes or buy new ones and pimp those. All of that was made with a special design. Everything over there is made by very creative artists or designers. Every corner or street is decorated and has special lights for at night. The dragon beneath is made of plastic bottles, it was really big in real life. This a example of the stuff you come across. Further there is also a sports area. I really don't know why you would want to play soccer or beachvolleybal in that heat but it is possible. Luckily there is a beach to have a little swim to cool down. The heat is still around 40 degrees so I was happy it was there. Also there were foam party's to join.

The only disadvantage of staying seven days is the camping. The cool thing is that you can put your tent anywhere you want so it is easy to pick a tree with some shadow to sleep. But the campings itself are horrible. They only have dixie toilets and there aren't many showers. Also Sziget is a twenty-four hour party festival, so there will be a lot of noise and music at every minute of the day. I would advice you to take a hotel or hostel if you can not handle less sleep and do not like stay dirty for a week.  

The food was actually the same as at every other festival. Fries, Pizza, Hamburgers, Sandwiches, Nacho's, Icecream, Pasta or Chinese. Only there are lot more choices since the island is so big and there has to be food everywhere. One funny thing was the fact that there was a Holland stand which sold the traditional frikandellen and kroketten! I thought the prices would be the same, but even at a festival everything is cheaper just like in the rest of Hungary. You had to get a pass. You could put money on it and had to pay with it at every stand. The good thing was that they sold it at normal prices. So 1 euro for a bottle of water. Yes a bottle! Not some half plastic cup with water. You could also buy buckets and keep it for a solid price.

I hope you have some more inside information about this festival! Let me know if you have been there already or if you are planning to go! 

-xxx-  Karlijn

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2 reacties

  1. I feel like I'm too old for going to festivals, but Sziget is still on my wishlist!! Looks like you had a great time!! ;) XOXO Eva

  2. Haha believe me, no one is too old for Sziget! You should go sometime.
