
Concert life #2: Jett Rebel

By Unknown - 22:58:00

Hey everyone!
Exactly one week ago we visited the Amsterdam Bos Theather to see the dutch singer Jett Rebel.
The location and show were both magical! Read more! 

For the people who don't know him yet... Jett, known as Jelte, is a 24 year old guy from the Hague. 
He can be pretty crazy in his acts and outfits, but he's also very sweet and down to earth.
It was the first time we got to see him perform live, we wanted to go earlier but the time wasn't there.
But we couldn't get a better first show! 
The stage was located in a forest near Amsterdam, so it was open air. 
Sometimes you heard some planes crossing on their way to Schiphol airport, but besides that it was a nice quiet place. 
Everyone was just sitting on benches and it was possible to get a pillow and a blanket for the cold (ass). 
During the music it was possible to get food and drinks.
It was definitely the most easy going concert I have ever been to.
I would recommend you to watch a show in this venue.
No long queues, thirst/hunger or back pains. 
There were different kind of trucks with soup, tea/coffee, burgers, salads and picnic baskets. 

So eventually the show began with the support acts.
Jett brought his high school friends Marnix and Willem, they performed separately.
They both had their own style and also different from Jett.

After two hours Jett started on the piano. 
He really lives his music and he is just so musical.
Later he continued on the guitar and he even sang a song without the microphone. 
Well that always makes an impact on me if the crowd can shut.
After almost 1,5 hour of playing he asked his management how long he had to continue.
The setlist was over, but the vibe was so chill that he wanted to play more songs. 
And we did too of course! 
He sang with his background singers and even Marnix and Willem came on the stage.
They did some songs from their old high school band 'Metro Mortale'.
They never did that before and I felt kinda special to have this as my first show.
So eventually the concert lasted over two hours, which is pretty long for a concert right?
He played so many emotional songs he thought were under appreciated. 
Next to that he did some hits, but acoustic or just slower. 
Normally he is a wild guy who is jumping across the stage with lipstick on his lips.
Now he was so calm and it was just really special.

We are probably seeing him again soon on a festival or in autumn on his tour.
Of course because we found him so good, but also to see his wild side haha.
I can only advice you to see Jett Rebel yourself, it will be worth it. 

Oh and we also had a picture with the man himself ;)

Let us know if you saw Jett lately and what you thought of his perfomance!


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4 reacties

  1. seems like you had mega fun ☺


    1. yes we did! we go to concerts a lot, but this one was different!

  2. Leuk artikel en wat een geluk dat je met hem op de foto mocht! :)

  3. Seems like an awesome concert :) xo
