
Beach Day, New Lay-Out + 100 Bloglovin' Followers!

By Unknown - 22:01:00

Hey guys!

How are you all doing? I've had a great week. I had to work some days and evenings but also had some free time to bbq, hang out with friends and go to Scheveningen with my mom. :) Karlijn is  now in Budapest with her boyfriend for more than a week and she will also go to Sziget for a day. So that's why she has not been posting lately, but she will tell you all about her trip when she's back! 

For now, read more to find out about my day at the beach!

On Thursday, I went to Scheveningen, the most famous seaside resort of the Netherlands, with my mom. The weather would be pretty good and we had not been to a Dutch beach for a while, so we decided to go. We went early because I had to work at 5 p.m, so it wasn't really crowded at the beach yet.

No, we didn't take the train to Roosendaal that early, but I just wanted to make a picture because I thought it would look cool haha. (If you follow me on Instagram you would've seen this picture already ;))

After we had found a nice spot at the beach we decided to drink some cappuccino first, because a good day starts with good coffee, right? ;)

When it was lunch time, we found this cute restaurant/beachclub called 'Wensveen'. The prices are reasonable, especially compared with some beachclubs at the boulevard. For €25 my mom and I both had a club sandwich, and tea. 

Yesterday I found time to change our lay-out, because I thought it was time for a new one. And I'm so happy with it! It's still a free template but I think it looks pretty cool. What do you think of it, let me know in the comments?

We also reached 100 Bloglovin' followers!! Thank you all so much for following!! If you're not following us yet and you want to, click here! Feel free to leave your bloglovin' link in the comments if we're not following you yet! 

Do you like to go to the beach?

x Sherilynn

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14 reacties

  1. Looks like you had a fab time! Congrats on the 100 bloglovin followers :)

    Paula | Lifestyle & Laffs

  2. I love Scheveningen ans especially Wensveen! Its such a great place!

    Thanks for letting us spam our Bloglovin, I'm just a week busy with blogging so am desperate for new followers! ��


    1. Yess, the food was so good! Followed you! :)

  3. Ik hou van het strand :D Mijn ouders wonen dicht bij Zandvoort dus daar ga ik heen als het strandweer is. Maar Scheveningen ziet er ook leuk uit! En hoe schattig die zeester vorm in je cappuccino haha!

    1. Ah dat is echt superchill! Ik zou ook wel dichtbij het strand willen wonen! :) x

  4. Wat een gezellige week had je :) Altijd fijn om lekker naar het strand te gaan! Gefeliciteerd met jullie 100 volgers xo

    1. Ja, ik vind het strand echt heerlijk! Dankjewel! xx

  5. Wat een fijne week zeg! Ik ben dol op het strand!

    1. Hihi dankje! :) Ik heb er echt van genoten! xx

  6. Oh wauw, wat een mooie foto's heb je gemaakt! Gefeliciteerd ook met je 100 volgers! :D


  7. Beachdays are ALWAYS a good idea!!! :) :) XX Eva
