
Holiday Photographs

By Unknown - 19:03:00

Hey guys!

Today I thought I would show you some of the photographs I've made during my stay in France. I've made a lot of pictures but I've chosen my favourites to share with you. For a week, we've done a lot. We visited a Chateau, we went to Paris for a day and also visited Melun, the city near the camping we were staying at. I hope you like these photographs, let me know what you think in the comments! Oh, and I've uploaded my Holiday outfits last week, so go check that out if you like! 

Aren't these flowers gorgeous? I'm pretty happy with how these photos turned out, I wasn't sure if my camera would focus (I don't have a professional camera, I just use my digital GE camera I got for my birthday a few years ago).

On Sunday we went to Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte, a beautiful castle which is one of the things you need to visit if you're staying near Melun. 

On Monday, we went to Paris for my mom's birthday. It was my fifth time in Paris, but I'll never get bored of this city. There's still so much to see and discover. I love the buildings, the shops and the language so much.
This time we went to Centre Pompidou, which was my idea. As you know I love art and especially modern art and guess what: Centre Pompidou is a modern art museum. My little sister had not been to a museum like this before and she was pretty shocked about what people call 'art'. She even sat on an artwork, a big pink plastic cube, haha. She thought she was allowed to sit on it, and to be honest I can't blame her, it was in the middle of the room and there were no clear signs. After this, everytime she saw a cube, couch or chair, she would ask me 'Is that art or not?', so cute haha. 

If you've been wondering what's inside the huge tube, it's the escalator, which gives you a great view of Paris. 

The view from the fourth floor of the museum is amazing. If you're a student the entrance is free, so I'd definitely recommend going to Centre Pompidou, if only for the view.  

There was enough to see in Melun, the city near our camping. I did some shopping with my mom there and made some pictures of buildings. (I'm so obsessed with taking photos of buildings if you haven't noticed it yet haha.)

And of course I had to photograph some food. ;) Don't worry, I won't show you all my food pictures, I just had to show you these two because they were so delicious and looked pretty good on camera too.

Have you been on vacation yet? Do you like to visit cultural stuff on vacation?

x Sherilynn

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